Charlene Abellana
Thursday, January 14, 2010
11:50 AM

During the winter break, I headed to the Philippines to visit family...
During my stay in the Philippines I got to spend Christmas and New Years with them. The way they celebrated Christmas and New Years was the best. At Christmas our family got together and played a bunch of games. It didn't matter what age you were, you could still play the games. We played games like musical chair, statue dance, apple eating, egg rage and so on. And if you won, you would either receive money or food. During our Christmas party, people would come by and sing christmas carols, and we would give them some kind of money just to say thank you for coming by. We had a lot of carolers that night.
During New Years my mom was telling me we were going to have another party. So my mom and my aunts were preparing food. I was expecting people to come by at around 8 or 9pm. But nobody came, so I kept asking my mom if we were actually going to have people over. It was around 11:30, and I started to feel very sleepy. My mom just kept telling me to wait. It was almost 12am and no one was there. I was like "wow, this is really lame." 2 minutes past 12 a bunch of people started to come over. I was so shocked. My whole family, neighbors, and friends came over. I found out that they don't celebrate till after 12am. We had fireworks and everything. It was a very loud night. And a very long night too.
While I was in the philippines, my counsin got married. She asked me to be her maid of honor so I had do to a bunch of preperation for the wedding. Before the wedding we spend a whole day taking pre-nuptial shots. We went everywhere. I was really tired at the end of the day.
My family also got together to celebrate my grandfathers 4th year death anniversary. We went to the cemetary and said a prayer and then went back to my uncle's house to eat. We had to have 3 jeepneys (which are giangantic vans) to bring my whole family home. The jeepney that I was in had a flat in the middle of a dark dark road. And I was really scared. haha.
My family also got together again to eat to celebrate my mom's birthday.

My trip in the Philippines was the best Christmas and New Years. I loved spending time with my family and just being there. I miss the Philppines and my family a lot and I can't wait for the next time I go back :)


"My love for you is a journey; Starting at forever,And ending at never." , ?

No matter how far you are, I will always loveyou

loves & hates

Love him:) and hate VEGETABLES


That you will never ever forget.


Thank you Jessica for helping me with this:)

OF COURSE. Jasmyn as well:)


Jessica : k3thislove

Jasmyn : notjasmine


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