Charlene Abellana
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
10:44 AM

So today is picture day. Whooopie. So we have to write an entry about pictures..or image?
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
- Proverbs 31:30

I wasn't quite prepared for my picture. I just got up and did my regular thing. I didn't do anything special with my hair.

Today in our soceity, image is such a big thing. If you don't look a certain way, you don't belong. If your not size 2 and weigh like 100 pounds, your considered ugly.
People become so obsessed to being someone they're not.
I think being beautiful is that you have to be comfortable with who you are and not caring what others say about you. It doesn't matter if your a bigger size or have more meat in some areas. I think girls that feel comfortable are the prettiest girls.
Girls always look at magazines and t.v. shows and other stuff and imitate what they do or wear. Even if they're not comfortable with what they're doing, they still do it just to feel accepted.
Our world is such a judgmental place.

I say, as long as your eating a healthy diet, and having fun with life that's all you need. You din't need to work yourself to being like a famous person.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
11:00 AM

Probably the most retarded person I know<3 :)

10:53 AM

YAAAY! So today we get to talk about Robots!
Today we looked at 2 different Robots.
1. A Robot called Topia. The Topia is a robot that can play ping pong.
And the other robot we looked at is called the Honda Asimo. The Honda Asimo can
walk up stairs, walk and run..or even dance.
But the funny thing about the Honda Asimo is that if it's not controlled properly it will not be sucecesful. Like in this one video where the Honda Asimo fell down the stairs.

People really believe that Robots are our future. For them to think that makes them kind of look lazy. I mean, your making a robot that does typical things that we can do ourselves. There's no need to spend millions of dollars just to make a robot to do something that we can do ourselves.

Sure it will probably make life a little easier, but what happens if something goes wrong? Like a technical problem and things turn out very bad. Robots can be fun. I agree with that, they're fun to PLAY with but not use in our typical daily lives.

God made humans, not Robots. :)

Here's a link about the Honda Asimo

Monday, September 14, 2009
11:32 AM

Okay so apparently we need a blog for IT...
And we have to talk about ROCKRIDGEEEEE :)

Rockridge was just plain amazing. This year we got to ride on these nice tour buses. The ride going there was comfortable but really long. Around 5 hours.
A lot of people were tired and so they slept. Others tried to annoy the people that were sleeping.

As soon as we got there, people were amazing at the view and the cabins. Malibu was pretty but Rockridge had an amazing view as well as really clean cabins. Malibu, not so much.

The first thing we got to do was eat. The food was good. After eating we had free time and I decided to hang near the pool and just sit and relax.

After dinner and stuff, we had night chapel. It was really good. Worship was really fun. Our speaker was Ms. LV this year. I thought that it would be boring, but actually it was really good. Her stories made so much sense.

Basically the same thing the next day. Mornings and evenings were insanely cold. But then during the day is was insanely hot.

During the second day, I went with some friends to the dock to go Banana boating. I didn't go because i'm a wimp...yeaaaahhh..
It was really fun. On the dock people were pushing each other off..which was funny.
We had another night chapel but it was more passive. People were just in tears and hugging each other. It was probably the most powerful thing i've ever seen.

The next morning it was kind of sad because people didn't want to leave and people's eyes were puffed up from crying the night before. People went up to say their testimonies which were a lot of fun to listen too. Oh and the grade 12's had to apologize for the pranks on the grade 9's. Honestly I thought there was NO point. It's tradition.

We left Rockridge around 1pm. Grade 10's had to take the school bus back, but me being retarded wanted to go on the nice tour buses. Since there was no room on the school bus, I got my wish. What I didn't know was that the bus I went on was filled with grade 12's and there was no A/C or open windows. Gross. We sat in a stinky, sweaty tour bus for 5 hours. I got to know some people in grade 12 I didn't know before which was awesome. I was so glad to get out of the bus though.

I must've been so tired the following day because I didn't get up till 3pm. I felt pretty bad because I wasted half my day. I'm probably never going to do that again...

Overall Rockridge was really fun. And I cannot wait till next year :)


"My love for you is a journey; Starting at forever,And ending at never." , ?

No matter how far you are, I will always loveyou

loves & hates

Love him:) and hate VEGETABLES


That you will never ever forget.


Thank you Jessica for helping me with this:)

OF COURSE. Jasmyn as well:)


Jessica : k3thislove

Jasmyn : notjasmine


June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

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