Charlene Abellana
Sunday, June 28, 2009
7:34 PM

I think we could still make this work. 
Don't you?

Thursday, June 25, 2009
12:52 AM

Do you realize how making me wait, is so scary to me?
One call, another week goes by.
I'm glad to hear your doing great, and your having fun.
But I don't think I am. 
So many things are floating in my head.
You always ask me if anything is wrong.
But why am I so afraid to admit it?
Is it because I'm afraid to lose you? And I don't want to impose.
Do I sound selfish?
But, please come back to me. 
Keep your word. 
I miss you.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
11:19 PM

To: J.R.C.
I can't believe you. Seriously. I'm so disappointed.
NEVER in my life, did I think you would do that. NEVER.
You always told me to stay away from things like that. You made me PROMISE!
What is this. Who are you becoming.
Wow, your REALLY good at covering things up. I would have NEVER known this was you.
Did you think that as soon as I saw it, I would brush it off? It's not that easy for me to do that.
You were my older brother. The one I looked up to. The one that I seeked protection from. The one that always
warned me to be careful and not to fall into the wrong crowd. 
Right now, i'm kind of feeling like i don't want anything to do with you. Or even see you.
I was so disgusted. 
You may be a really nice, caring, passionate, funny guy, but what you do at night does NOT define you.

I really have nothing else to say other than, I'm so disappointed in you. 
I don't think i can look up to you anymore.

I hope your friends are happy. I hope your happy. 
Honestly, I hope you realize that you let me down. Big time.

I still love you. But I don't think my thinking about you, is ever going to be the same. 
I can't take anymore of your advices. 

Tell your new friends i'm "proud" of what your doing right now. 

Thanks for the heartbreak, and disappointment.
- C.A

Monday, June 22, 2009
10:54 PM

AHH. I'm leaving for philippines in like a week! WHHAT?
Seriously, I've never been so scared in my life..
BECAUSE, Jonas Brother concert is next week! AND I FLIPPED when she said next week,
but thankfully my mama talk to my dad and arranging it so we can leave next week friday or saturday, so I wouldn't miss the concert..

I think my parents are crazy.
Maybe that's why i'm gaga at times..

Sunday, June 21, 2009
12:17 AM

What I got twitter?!
Follow me:)


Saturday, June 20, 2009
10:28 AM

I think it finally hit me this morning. 
That your gone, and that I won't see you for awhile.
You say that it's only temporary, but what can I think?
I remember those days, I know what happens. 
You say you'll come back, but will you?
Can you promise me that?
What more can I say.
I'm going to miss you.
I hate knowing, that this will be the last time we'll see each other.

Please don't forget about us.

Friday, June 19, 2009
6:06 PM

I turned 15!

I think I got myself one of the best birthday.
I got to spend my 15th birthday with my awesome brothers, who were nothing but the sweetest.
When they gave their gifts it was completely unexpected. 
I got a card with a giraffe - - Thank you Austin!
And then I got a giftcard and a escort to my favourite restaurant - - Thank you big brother JOSH :)

The night before we had some friends over and I was so happy. 
Once 12am came, my brothers screamed happy birthday.
I got a phone call from Jessica and a text from Maas. 
Nearly bringing my to tears. They were so sweet. Couting down till 12am?! I love them :)

Cambam came by in the morning to give me something and then me, my brothers went out for dinner at earls.
We didn't realize it was there summer kick off party there and everyone was dressed up as a cowboy or cowgirl. 
Of course big brothers eyes were wondering around..
But oh my! THE FOOD. WAS DELICIOUS. we were all so full from eating so much.

Anyways, Thank you everyone for making my 15th birthday a good one. 


"My love for you is a journey; Starting at forever,And ending at never." , ?

No matter how far you are, I will always loveyou

loves & hates

Love him:) and hate VEGETABLES


That you will never ever forget.


Thank you Jessica for helping me with this:)

OF COURSE. Jasmyn as well:)


Jessica : k3thislove

Jasmyn : notjasmine


June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010


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